The Non-Conformist Self and The Law of Opulence. (The Economics of Supply and Demand from The Non-Conformist POV) Susan James

The Non-Conformist Self and The Law of
(The Economics of Supply and Demand from
The Non-Conformist POV) Susan James

Neville, Shinn, Wilmans and many others have
written of it.

There is a higher principle where the Law of
Supply and Demand works differently than the
Lower Principle of Supply and Demand applied
through Economics.

The collateral for the higher principle is
What do we need to understand and why care?

A. The Law of Opulence
B. First Thought
C. Second Thought
D. Anchors of Light

As we ‘care’ as in show just a bit of interest, the
‘action of unfolding’ begins, which brings our
desire fulfillment from the invisible plane to the
visible plane.

(The Law of Opulence says, Supply is Equal to
The Demand and understanding that from the
Higher Principle shows us why we have our
desires for MORE and how they manifest,
expand into more and better and create Anchors
of Light lifting humanity and the Earth. sj )

Done Deal!
Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

Want to understand more about why we have
those Dreams and The Law of Opulence?
Try the newest book!

Desire Fulfillment-Automatic Mechanism
Amazon Kindle $9.99
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Susan James Books on Amazon

Money Livelihood Game Book (Susan James) a
Short full color, easy way to move forward in
our Money and Livelihood Desires.
(32 pg PDF $14.95)
Details-Outline: Money Livelihood Game Book

The Magic Wall, Featuring The Wild Bill Wall
(by Susan James) How To Pay Your Bills
Easily, Magically, while fear of not being able
to, is Eating Your Guts out. (16 pg PDF $17.00)
Details-Outline: The Magic Wall/Wild Bill Wall

GeniSourceology-Creating (Susan James:
Desire Fulfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)
(33 Pg PDF $27.00)
Details-Outline: Genisourceology

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
Available Paperback-Kindle Amazon
and PDF epub here

Susan James Books on Amazon

Everyday is Payday (Kit)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books

Susan James Socks (for Readers-Writers)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)

FaceCovering for Readers-Writers
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Just Thanks Panda
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