Remember Those Gets, You Got? Use Them For Desire Fulfillment (Susan James)

Remember Those Gets, You Got ?
(How to Use Them For Our Desire Fulfillment)
(Susan James)

A Recent fun article “Top Gun: Maverick’s
Director on What It Meant Getting Val Kilmer
Back In The Sequel Alongside Tom Cruise” by
Dirk Libbey via CinemaBlend,; The Director
(Joe Kosinski) was quoted: “That Was a Huge,
Huge, Get Having Val Come Back to Play The

This had me thinking of my own ‘huge gets’ and
what they mean in regard to our choices for
desire fullfiment.

Remember Those Gets You Got?

We’ve all had them, and will continue to have
them. We touch that feeling by thinking of it, by
remembering it. Why would we choose to
maybe do that?

The thinking of those moments brings that level
of vibration to the surface of our consciousness.
This then is reflected in our experience in only
good ways and means.

So…what were some of your huge gets that you
got? You don’t need to write them down, just
thinking of them is ‘good enough’. But it’s fun
to write them down, I did. Some of them may be
secrets. And you don’t need to tell anyone for it
to ‘work’.

I thought of some of mine, they go way back.
They fell into two categories: those that came
from deliberate choices I’d made in having
something and those that were surprises. Both
had one thing in common, one common
denominator: Elation.

What did those moments of Gets that you got
feel like? They felt SO..GOOD !

What is that feeling connected to or with so that
we can have MORE of IT and everything else

That good feeling, be it deliberatly chosen or
surprising is connected to the pureness of
Source Energy, of Spirit, of God, The
Universal Bubba. This Heaven on Earth feeling
expands us bringing more of it to the earth and

That feeling of the ‘huge get’, that feeling of
elation is at the top of the higher vibrational

Why care? It’s where the good stuff is. It’s
where the solutions are. Each time we think of
those ‘huge get moments’ it’s like we add 100 x
golden bricks of light to us furthering the
Anchors of Light.

Why Care? It’s where our good stuff is!
How do we get ‘there’?
Find any way, big or little, Castle or Button to
‘enjoy something’ anything for just a moment
and the practice is simply ‘that’. As often as we
can, no matter what else is going on.

Why Care? It’s where the good stuff is!

Best and Splendid Success Everyone for More
Huge Gets! Susan James

Want to understand more about why we have
those Dreams and The Law of Opulence?
Try the newest book!

Desire Fulfillment-Automatic Mechanism
Amazon Kindle $9.99
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Susan James Books on Amazon

Money Livelihood Game Book (Susan James) a
Short full color, easy way to move forward in
our Money and Livelihood Desires.
(32 pg PDF $14.95)
Details-Outline: Money Livelihood Game Book

The Magic Wall, Featuring The Wild Bill Wall
(by Susan James) How To Pay Your Bills
Easily, Magically, while fear of not being able
to, is Eating Your Guts out. (16 pg PDF $17.00)
Details-Outline: The Magic Wall/Wild Bill Wall

GeniSourceology-Creating (Susan James:
Desire Fulfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)
(33 Pg PDF $27.00)
Details-Outline: Genisourceology

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
Available Paperback-Kindle Amazon
and PDF epub here

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Everyday is Payday (Kit)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books

Susan James Socks (for Readers-Writers)
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