Pampered and Spoiled from On High? (The Coffee in Bed Example for Manifestation) (Susan James)

Pampered and Spoiled from On High?
(The Coffee in Bed Example for Manifestation)
(Susan James)

There is nothing more wonderful than being
brought coffee in bed by someone who loves us
very much. It’s that feeling of being pampered,
of being spoiled, that level of trust, care and
affection that we are to develop with Source
Energy, The Universe, The All That Is.

It’s that feeling that lets us know, all we have
chosen to be do and have is to be delivered just
like that. With the desire came the map!

We’ve all read it in many places, we’re
beginning to ‘get it’. We give it to ourselves.

Our own Higher Self wants us to give us
everything. We now understand that by the time
our desire of choice reaches our lower mind, it’s
been freely given.

How do we receive it? Practice.
What’s the practice? Understanding The Higher
Laws. This in turn moves us into the higher
levels of light where Benevolence touches our

As resistance shows, degrease it. That’s all we
need to do. As we do that, life gets easier, better
and full of surprises and wonder!

MORE on All of This Soon!
Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James
(Resource: )

Short Verision of The Done Deal Degreaser

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Rich E Richest (Bourgeois Billionaires)
Hank Ramsan, The Millionaire Maverick

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR