Inspiration from Eddie Murphy (Susan James)






Inspiration from Eddie Murphy
(by Susan James)

Eddie Murphy was one of the Comedians Jerry
Seinfield converses with in the most recent
‘Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee’ on Netflix.

Other than bringing the wonder of funny in this
series, we often are shown the other side of the
various comedians lives and how they got to the
level of life they’ve achieved.

Mr. Murphy reminds us of this below statement
as we enjoy his ride with Mr. Seinfield:

‘Right Now It’s The Best It’s Ever Been, And It
Just Keeps Getting Better’.

Now I don’t know that this statement was
originated by Mr. Murphy, but it was nice to be
reminded of this as a Universal Fact.

A question one might ask after hearing this is:
‘Do I believe this? Does my life reflect this?’

If we are a person of the glass is have full, then
we most likely support this perspective.

If we are a person more likely to think in terms
of the ‘glass is half empty’ then this concept
may be a problem for us.

As humans we are programmed to want more
and better. Our current beliefs and perspectives
and our willingness to expand them from where
they are, will affect our path. Will it be an easier
one or a harder one? We get to choose.

If we pause a moment and ask ourselves where
we stand in relation to Mr. Murphys’ statement,
and feel a bit of tension or frustration over it, are
we willing to find out why we ‘feel’ this way?

If we don’t want to believe or find it hard to
believe, then our belief is most likely attached to
our lack of understanding of how ‘things really
work’ and our willingness to study and apply
those things.

Once we do that, the doors of wonder and magic
just may open up!

Best and Splendid Success to All!
Susan James (426 Writer, LLC)

Resource: Netflix (Comedians in Cars Getting
Coffee / Executive Producers Jerry Seinfeild,
George Shapiro )

Susan James / Vast Five
Susan James Author Page Amazon

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR