Weighing Words & Money (We Don’t Talk About It, But We Want It!) (Susan James)

Weighing Words & Money
(We Don’t Talk About It! But We Want It!)
(by Susan James)

Recently I watched a very funny (as aren’t they
all) episode of ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’
(Destination Wedding Season 10 Episode 4
HBO), and one of the many fun things about
Larry David’s shows along with Jerry Seinfeld
are the very simplest themes they use to
entertain us.

This episode involved Larry and his friends
being invited to a destination wedding on a
popular island resort. They were to fly there on a
private jet. Larry’s part in organizing the flight,
was in getting the body weight of everyone
flying. According to the pilot this was
mandatory information needed in order to fly.

These were long time friends and one new
friend that Larry, thinking it was no big deal,
had to ask all of them for their weight. The
comedy ensued of course, as NO ONE wanted
to admit their weight. They simply were not
going to tell Larry how much they weighed and
they said so in no uncertain terms. ‘I’m NOT
telling you how much I weigh!’

A sub-theme of the story was that everyone else,
other than Larry was given a wonderful room
suite. His, in his mind, was sub-par in
comparison to all of the others. It then became
a money issue.

So, for many of us, including me, there are 2
things we usually don’t and won’t talk about.
We won’t talk about our weight and we won’t
talk about our money.

The funny thing is, both our weight and our
money usually show in outer circumstances
and we don’t need to talk about it. It is just..,
what it is as perceived from others. We can also
hide our body image and our finances from
others no matter their perception. We get to
decide if there perception is important to us.

It doesn’t matter why we choose to not talk
about those things or what hidden neuroses we
have. We don’t talk about it. But we sure buy a
lot of stuff written about it and products inspired
by us wanting to have a better body image and a
better financial wherewithall.

Our weight and our money are very private
matters. We shouldn’t need to talk about it,
unless it feels good to do so, for whatever
reasons we have. But the good news, if we have
set a desire, to have a better body image and
increase our financial pictures into the more
category, we can do it.

How? We simply need to cultivate the
possibility of us having what we want. We do
that by developing thoughts and beliefs that are
supportive of those possibilities occurring.

How do we do that? WORDS
We teach ourselves the power of words to
change our lives from where we are to where
we’d prefer to be.

So…You wanna how much I weigh and how
much money I have? I’m NOT going to tell you!
But I’ll use words and have used words for
many years to decrease in one area and increase
in the other!

Done Deal!

‘The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything’ (sj)

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

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