The Vibrational Way Station
(Building a Vibrational Bridge)
(by Susan James)
There’s a One-Two Step involved in
successful manifestation of having the lives,
livelihoods and money levels we want and most
importantly being able to keep it!
Our desires are a Natural Extension of Source
Energy, of Spirit.
As we begin learning about setting intentions
from a higher mind perspective, we also
discover the reasons, quite often, why the
opposites shows up, and we have a choice to
We can easily ‘do something’ about it without
a bunch of doing, which then expands us
vibrationally. This moves us closer to what
want, minus the physical obstacles along the
As we begin to honor our desires for More
Money, and Business-Livelihood Expansion we
have to cultivate the New Design that brings us
those things. If we don’t it manifests in a loop,
bringing us more of what we don’t want, just in
a different unwanted circumstance.
There are many ways to build this bridge, as we
see our movement from one ‘vibrational way
station’ to another, always higher, easier and
Some ways are shown in The Done Deal book,
as well as in all of Susan James Courses.
The Done Deal -Amazon Kindle
The Done Deal (PDF-Epub)
‘Money Livelihood Course’ by Susan James
Assisting participants in cultivating a Business
or Livelihood incorporating one’s higher mind
using methods developed by Susan James.
Susan James Courses
Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James
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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR