Using The Invisible Space for a Little Bit More (Susan James)

Using The Invisible Space for a Little Bit More
(Susan James)

The days are here when we are being shown
that there are many ways we can count on the
‘invisible space’, not only to prevent tragedy
but to bring us the good stuff. (sj)

The following story is about a little girl quoted
from ‘Nothing Is To Good to Be True’ (John
Randolph Price)

One afternoon in early winter, my father was
schooling Jean in the third-story attic, and Jean
was sitting on the sill of the open window.

After spending several hours going over
homework, they were both exhausted. My father
turned his back to Jean while talking to her, and
when he got no answer, he turned quickly
toward where she’d been sitting. She was gone.

My father knew that she’d fallen out of the
window, down three stories into an alley filled
with debris. He ran down the stairs yelling that
Jean had fallen out the window. Dad was filled
with fear, knowing that his sister was dead and
dreading what his father would do to him when
he got home.

He kept running and hid out for hours. In the
meantime, my grandmother rushed out to the
alley, panic-stricken and expecting the worst,
and what she found is still talked about by the
family to this day.

There in the alley was Jean, sitting on a box….
with not a scratch on her body or a wrinkle in
her clothes. She became frightened only after
she saw her mother in a panic.

She said, “Mommy, don’t cry. The lady put me
here.” Later, after my grandmother regained her
composure, she sat down with Jean on her lap,
looking through a book of angels and saints. She
slowly went through the book page by page,
hoping that Jean could recognize the angel that
put her on the box.

Suddenly Jean put her hand on a picture. In a
solemn voice, she said, “That’s the lady,
Mommy. That’s the lady who took me out of the
window and put me on the box.” The single
picture on the page was the ever-loving face of
the Virgin Mary. (End Quote)

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

Desire Fulfillment-Automatic Mechanism
Amazon Kindle $9.99
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Susan James Books on Amazon

Money Livelihood Game Book (Susan James) a
Short full color, easy way to move forward in
our Money and Livelihood Desires.
(32 pg PDF $14.95)
Details-Outline: Money Livelihood Game Book

The Magic Wall, Featuring The Wild Bill Wall
(by Susan James) How To Pay Your Bills
Easily, Magically, while fear of not being able
to, is Eating Your Guts out. (16 pg PDF $17.00)
Details-Outline: The Magic Wall/Wild Bill Wall

GeniSourceology-Creating (Susan James:
Desire Fulfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)
(33 Pg PDF $27.00)
Details-Outline: Genisourceology

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
Available Paperback-Kindle Amazon
and PDF epub here

Susan James Books on Amazon

Everyday is Payday (Kit)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books

Susan James Socks (for Readers-Writers)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)

FaceCovering for Readers-Writers
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
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Just Thanks Panda
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