This Worked When Things Weren’t So Good and Work Even Better Now! (Done Deal) Susan James

This Worked When Things Weren’t So Good
And They Work Even Better Now As Things
Are So Good! (Done Deal Excerpt) Susan James

I was using words to help me when fear was
I still use words as things are good and I simply
want MORE !

1. Maybe You’re Not In A Good Place.
2. Maybe You’re In an O.K. Place, But Want To
Be In A Better Place.
3. Maybe You’re In A Good Place,
But Choose To Be In A Better Place.

Maybe You Don’t Want Anyone To Know!

I’ve Been In One and Two, I’m In Three.

The Primary Thing That Has Always Moved Me
On, Are: WORDS

(I used to walk around with pages and pages
and pages. I don’t need all those pages now!)

We can let the words do the work.

Desire Drives Fulfillment With The Help of
Words (Written, Spoken, Thought)

Are we paying attention to the subtleties that are
‘a speck in our eyes’, keeping us from seeing,
and keeping us from fulfillment small and large?

Are we paying attention to the wishes and hopes
that we have, or are we disregarding them as
some flight of fancy?

This brings us to why we as humans have words
in the first place:

The higher worlds sent five languages which
form a vibrational grid, which then set up our
mental processes for this human experience.
This grid allows for divine light patterns to
connect with our bodies. Additionally it acts as a
buffer between the lower and higher worlds.
Thought forms do not originate in the
body-mind of man, but are received and stored
in units of ten to the tenth of thought-form
(Resource: The Book of Knowledge/The Keys
of Enoch)

What does this mean, in words that we can use
and understand?

A. We are not alone.
B. We have help from the higher realms.
C. This help from the higher realms begins with
the vibrational energy contained in language.
D. Language is made up of words. Words are
made of divine energy at different levels.
E. We create our lives, based on thought, which
translates into word and images.
F. We can use words to create our lives and we
do it both on purpose and haphazardly.
G. We can use words to expand our light energy
levels, so that our thoughts are more pure and
powerful, making desire fulfillment easier and

How can we begin?
Read Words
Write Words
Speak Words

Reading and Writing helps to make our desire
fulfillment easier.

Not Reading and Writing, makes it Harder.

(New Things On The Horizon!)
Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Best And Splendid Success Everyone!
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Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
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The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
Available Paperback-Kindle Amazon
and PDF epub here

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GeniSourceology (Susan James Courses)

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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR