The Easy Basic Manifesting Games of Susan James

The Easy Basic Manifesting Games of Susan
James have been used over and over in the
various courses, books and consulting moments.
The Games listed here are some of the more
basic games to assist us in an easy and peaceful
way, from where we are to where we’d prefer to

The Games ‘work’.

I first began developing these games because I
needed a fun way to use and apply the things I
was learning; and in a way that would ‘make me
do it’. Everything grew and expanded from

If you are a writer, candlestick maker, baker,
lawyer, Indian chief, no matter your
spiritual/religious affiliation, expansion beliefs
and or non-conformist ways and means, these
games will work for you. You can change them
as you need fit and be as flexible and forgiving
as you will allow yourself to be.

You can use them to lose weight, make money,
find romance, simply move from where you are.

As we begin moving on, we may hit a plateau,
Both The Done Deal Degreaser and The Loop
Tool may assist you in this, they have for me!

The Easy Basic Manifesting Games Included
Within This writing are not all of the SJ
Manifesting Games but lay a super foundation
for what is to come for you.

The Magic Wall
The Sword of Three’s
The Sword in The Stone
Powerful Asking Game/Abundant
The Cell Game
The Done Deal Degreaser
The Loop Tool
Everyday is Payday
Don’t Tell Anybody ( 9 Day Money Game)

Susan James
PDF Version $9.99
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Easy Basic Manifesting Games of Susan James
Kindle Version $9.99

Rich E Richest has 2 New Books Out!
Details Here!

Need a little MORE help with any of this?

Maybe Consider The 8 Day Business and
Livelihood Boost!
It’s a Short Course In a 29 Page PDF
(Cost: $349.00) Details and Outline Here!

Or an Introduction to The Law of Opulence
maybe take a look at the The Kindle Book
Desire Fulfillment-Automatic Mechanism
(Applying The Law of Opulence) $9.99
(Also in PDF Here:)

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S.J. Confabulation-The Unfolding $999/6 mo
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