Sustained Application of The Woo-Woo Brings Us Sustained Having of The Goo-Goo! (Susan James)

Sustained Application of The Woo-Woo Brings
Us Sustained Having of The Goo-Goo!
(Susan James)

What in the heck does that mean?
Woo-Woo is defined as Non-Linear,
Happenstance, Perceived to be Irrational from
the human perspective. Goo-Goo is All that is
good and the adoration of all of that!

As we begin to understand the non-physical
process that precede physical events, experience
and manifestation, it simply takes sustained
practice to reap both the balance along the way
as we fulfill our choices. Just as in learning
any new skill, for us to be good at it where we
reap the benefits on an ongoing basis, it simply
takes consistent practice.

Practice how? There are many, many ways and
means and most of them are very EASY !
Simply ask to be shown!

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR