Sometimes We Need a Little Help! Let The WORDS Do The Work! (Susan James)

Sometimes We Need a Little Help!
Let The Words Do The Work! (Susan James)

Maybe this is a day or a moment or a series of
days or moments that something, some ‘thing’,
some circumstance, some money thing, some
health, relationship or other thing is causing you
to think, what if ‘thoughts’.

What if this happens, what if this and that
happens, and down the hole of some level of
pain we go. We can label it fear or anguish or
anxiety, stress, but its all only thought-forms.
(Only such a big and full word!)

Some of us stay stuck in that place, only because
we don’t know what to do and we feel to awful
to do anything. (And we think circumstances
matter, when they don’t.)

We have to move a little, just a little bit and then
we are helped in many ways, with one of the
ways, we simply feel better about the thing. And
then we start to feel even better about the thing.

And then it doesn’t feel so awful and then we
notice we don’t think about the thing any more
and we notice the thing is fixed or remedied and
the only thing we did was use WORDS.

Words are another form of thought. So if we
have word thoughts in our mind that don’t feel
so good, we can replace them with better words.
Our mind can ‘think’ one thought at a time, so
we might as well make it a good and helpful

The phrase ‘I Am Buffered and Protected (in
this and that circumstance) was one I used
years ago, when things were not so great. And
each and every time…EVERY TIME, the thing
worked out in my favor and in a better way.

So..if this day, or this moment you have some
thoughts that are not leading you to what you
really want, and on top of that, you feel ‘not
good’. Use some simple statements.

Our desires to have better, be better are no
accident. We are to find ways to better connect
to the Source of All. When we find ourselves
not there, its our job to get back there.

The Universe does and will respond in a
positive manner. But we have to do our part.

We have to part the seas of trouble and we can
do that with our WORDS! We can think them,
we can write them, but just do them! And if we
are so low that we don’t feel like doing any
word stuff, then say ‘that’! That will move us a
little bit, maybe just enough to use some
more WORDS !

May All of Your Days Be Buffered and Protected
and May LovePerfection Be Yours and Mine All The Time!

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James


‘The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything’. Susan James