SJ Videos

Just Thanks Panda! The Introduction Video!

Is Your Magic Wand broken? Is Your Magic
Lamp Cracked? Maybe you need a little help to
put things back together, and in a better place.
Maybe consider some of Susan James Books or
Courses. or maybe you’re a writer and some




Hank Ramsan-Privately Famous-Millionaire Maverick Video Intro

What a Writer Can Do! (Susan James)

Hank Ramsan, The Millionaire Maverick Introduces in Video, The Magic Wall Printables,
by Susan James, featuring ‘The Magic Wall for
Writers, The Magic Wall and The Money Garden.


Hank Ramsan, Introduces Susan James Casual. a Plethora of Items for
Readers, Writers and Dreamers!

Every Day is Pay Day Kit! (Video Introduction)

The Magic Wall Printables (an Introduction!)