Privately Famous & The Millionaire Maverick Featuring The Hank Ramsan Series (Books 1&2)

Privately Famous & The Millionaire Maverick
Featuring The Hank Ramsan Series (Books 1&2)

Book 1Privately Famous, Tells The Beginning
Story of Hank Ramsan, His Publishing Success,
Finding The Love Of His Life and The Peril
Involved in Losing It All. Which Leads into
Book 2 and The Millionaire Maverick, where
Hank made everyone Millionaires who learned
to use his Magic Wall.

This enraged the powers that controlled the
world’s banks because hidden secrets were
revealed and lifestyles threatened, as the
world’s money systems crumbled.

Only one person could save Hank from the peril
he had created, only she didn’t love him

Catch up on Hank’s loves, life and livelihood
and get ready for Book 3 !

Books 1 & 2
Available in Paperback-Kindle on Amazon:

Privately Famous & The Millionaire Maverick
Featuring The Hank Ramsan Series
Privately Famous (Novella) Book 1
The Millionaire Maverick (Novel) Book 2
(by Susan James)
Also Available in PDF-ePub


Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR