Need an Easy Degreaser for Your Business-Livelihood ? (Susan James)

An Easy Degreaser for Business-Livelihood
(Pre-Excerpt by Susan James)

As I am putting things together for The Done
Deal for Business-Livelihood (a Non-Linear
Approach), I came across a De-Greaser that
helped me when I was feeling a bit timid about
doing something. Timid in a way, that
something, some thought, based on some
thought-habit I had, was keeping me from
making a new choice. I wasn’t sure what
that new choice would be and I wanted to
expand beyond that thought stream.

For those not familiar with how I defined a
Degreaser, it came from the chili that my Mom
used to make with really fatty hamburger and as
it was in the refrigerator, we would have to skim
the grease off the top in order to eat it.

We can do the same de-greasing with our
thoughts. The ones that keep us stuck or help us
see what we need to surface and acknowledge.

Here it is:
I wrote on my Magic Clipboard:
‘What Happened When I Did This Before?’

I then wrote out the answers that showed up.
I didn’t need to do anything about this, I had
expanded my thought by simply surfacing and
acknowledging the thoughts that I needed to
skim off.

Did it help? Well…YES It DID !
We can also apply that same question to many
other things in our lives; money, relationships.

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James
(Reference: The Done Deal Degreaser)

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