Moving From Where We Are to Where We Prefer to Be Is As Easy as The Difference Between a B and a C. (Susan James)

Moving From Where We Are to Where We
Prefer to Be Is As Easy as The Difference
Between a B and a C. (Susan James)

In the film ‘Smart People’(Netflix) starring
Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Thomas
Haden Church and Elliot Page, Dennis plays a
College professor.

One of the many great scenes with Dennis,
shows him grading papers. He had scribbled a
‘C’ on one of the students’ papers. Then due to
his choosing to improve his grumpy state of
mind, he changed the C, to a B-.

Many of us have experienced the grading
systems. And for many of us, a B minus ‘feels’
a lot better than a C.

In that moment of watching Dennis change the
grade and the feeling that accompanied it,
although very simple, shows us how simple a
change in feeling can be.

Each incremental change in feeling for the
better, brings about a change in vibration and
one that sticks at that level. It’s part of how we
may consciously practice, leading us to more
and better all along the way!

Best and Splendid Success, Everyone!
Susan James
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Money Livelihood Game Book (Susan James) a
Short full color, easy way to move forward in
our Money and Livelihood Desires.
(32 pg PDF $14.95)
Details-Outline: Money Livelihood Game Book

The Magic Wall, Featuring The Wild Bill Wall
(by Susan James) How To Pay Your Bills
Easily, Magically, while fear of not being able
to, is Eating Your Guts out. (16 pg PDF $17.00)
Details-Outline: The Magic Wall/Wild Bill Wall

GeniSourceology-Creating (Susan James:
Desire Fulfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)
(33 Pg PDF $27.00)
Details-Outline: Genisourceology

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
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Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
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