Methods That Make Prosperity Possible- Opening The Supply Chain from The Invisible to The Visible. (Susan James)

Methods That Make Prosperity Possible-
Opening The Supply Chain from The Invisible
to The Visible.
(The Practice of Building Expectation In The
Invisible) Susan James

Building Trust That ‘IT’ Works! Building
Reliance in The Invisible Takes Practice. We
have to learn to hope and expect in the Invisible
(It’s Where Our Castles Are!)

We prefer to have things in our lives we know
we can rely on. Trust, confidence, expectation,
hope, certainty, sureness. It takes practice to
build certainly, sureness.

We do it with our pets. A great example of
building trust can be seen in the many great
videos from ‘The Dodo’. Most of the videos are
about rescuers of dogs, animals that have been
neglected or abused. We watch as people build
trust, hope with the dogs. It takes practice.

How do we build confidence that the Invisible
will take care of us, that it will provide the
money, the love, the business, the relationship.
How do we do that?

We start with a simple thought of: ‘Gee, I’d
Love to Have That’. Maybe it’s more money,
maybe it’s a new home, maybe it’s a better
financial position, a better relationship, just
better and more.

The love of having something opens the Supply
Chain from the Invisible to the Visible.

Human Desire Opens Up The Supply Chain
from The Invisible to The Visible.

The Statement-verbal or in thought form that
activates the money, the resources, the
experiences from the Invisible to the visible is
as simple as stating: ‘I would love to have_____
(that thing). This automatically compels the
visible to the next step.

And we have to find ways to keep practicing
that type of statement. Repetition builds success
and a stronger anchor in Light of what is chosen.
We can let the words do the work!

We are accustomed to and accept that sports and
musical instruments require practice for us to
be able to play at an enjoyable level. Whatever
enjoyment means to us.

Many of us may need to further accept or at least
acknowledge that using the Invisible space for
our benefit, for our dreams coming true require

Just as some of us get bruised in sports as we
practice and develop blisters in both sports and
practicing the guitar, we keep going because
we are interested in it. We heal over our blisters
and we are better at the sport and playing the

It’s the same with the practice of using the
Invisible. If we don’t apply some level of under-
standing how it works we may stop practicing.
And then we may not receive the great benefits
and potentials available to us.

There are many ways to practice. For me I had
to develop games, methods that were easy
and fun for me to do, so that I would do them.
I still practice to keep getting better at ‘the more’,
the expansion, the Light Fantastic!

We are here to bring heaven to earth, to expand
humanity. We can do it simply with under-
standing what our human desires are really
about. Building The Light Fantastic for Us All!

Have Fun and Best And Splendid Success !
Susan James

GeniSourceology-Creating Desire
Fullfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)

The Magic Wall and MORE (New Format)
How To Pay Your Bills Easily, Magically, while
fear of not being able to, is Eating Your Guts
Out. Details:

Done Deal Degreaser is Here:

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
Available Paperback-Kindle Amazon
and PDF epub here

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Everyday is Payday (Kit)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books

Susan James Socks (for Readers-Writers)
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FaceCovering for Readers-Writers
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Just Thanks Panda
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