Low Grade Vibrational Fever (Moving From Old Familiar to New Familiar) Susan James

The Low Grade Vibrational Fever
(Moving From The Old to The New Familiar)
(Susan James)

As many of us consciously and purposely move
up the expansion ladder, we are introduced to
many ways and means to help us do that. They
all work.

One of the many ways is when things begin to
feel not great, we are encouraged to look at what
we have and be grateful for it, at whatever level
it is. And yes, that quite often moves us up a bit.

However, as we become proficient at keeping
ourselves at the top of the vibrational scale we
may not often notice when we have developed a
‘low grade vibrational fever’.

We don’t notice it because it doesn’t ‘feel that
bad’. But we do notice we feel a bit off, and are
having thoughts not in line with what we choose
to have.

What is ‘that’ exactly? And how do we remedy
it, and do we need to?

We may need to realize that this is not about
needing to be grateful for where we are and
what we currently have.

Sometimes it’s simply about the ‘old familiar’
trying to keep us from the ‘new familiar’,
The New Familiar contains our Ideals of what
we’ve chosen to live and experience.

So if you need to feel grateful about anything as
you have a low grade vibrational fever that has
shown up, simply see this as good news! The
New Familiar, The new money, the new
lifestyle is pulling you forward up and out, and
the old familiar isn’t comfy with that, as it’s
well, unfamiliar territory.

Just as some of us if we have a little pain or
fever may take a pill knowing that our body will
heal itself. The pill for a low grade vibrational
fever is to do a done deal degreaser. It’s the
fastest way up and out from a low grade
vibrational fever.

Here’s How:

1. First Write Out The Ideal that we want from
that moment. (Usually it’s to get 100% back to
full enjoyment.)

2. Then Ask ourselves: What Lower Grade
Thoughts, thoughts that I prefer not to have are
running through my mind.

Write it Out.
Then re-write the Ideal of what is chosen.

That’s It! Read it 3x and let the Words do The

Best and Continued Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

The Magic Wall and MORE (New Format)
How To Pay Your Bills Easily, Magically, while
fear of not being able to, is Eating Your Guts
Out. Details:

Done Deal Degreaser is Here:

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
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