Kissing From The Universe? (Susan James)

Kissing From The Universe?
(Connecting w/That?) (by Susan James)

In a recent TV promo for ‘Temptation Island’
(USA Network) one of the female participants is
shown and heard saying, “I’ve never been kissed
like that before”. And we see the fellow kissing
the girl.

It reminded me of when I had been ‘kissed like
that’. And yes, there is nothing like it. It’s sorta
like the quote from Gone With The Wind (1939)
by Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) “You should be
kissed and often, and by someone who knows

As we move up the light energy scale, where life
feels and gets so much better with little or no
effort, we begin to receive sensations that
could be paralleled to the best kiss we’ve ever

We begin developing a vibrational relationship
with non-physical energy, the energy that we
can not see, but is there helping us along our

I’ve never enjoyed using phrases like ‘journey or
process’ as they imply ‘time’. When we are on
the opposite end of feeling good, we don’t
want to hear about the journey. We want to feel
better, we want out of the jam we created, we
want to feel like we’ve been kissed and that the
sensation will never end.

Just as I can write about being kissed that way, I
can also write about being at the opposite end of
feeling good and moving beyond it.

There is an unfolding that takes place, like a
gestation period. It’s easier for some to accept
an unfolding from a bad place, if we know or
have hope it will get better.

Just as there are individuals who as Rhett Butter
said, who know how to kiss, there are also
those who have played in their unfolding of
dreams coming true. It’s an individual path as
we learn of how Source Energy works, always
in our benefit.

As we tap into that energy, we just may feel like
we’ve been kissed in our lives in a way that
we’ve never experienced before.

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

Interested in More?
Read it from Hank Ramsan’s experience in
The Millionaire Maverick (Novel)

Hank Ramsan made everyone Millionaires who
learned to use his Magic Wall. This enraged the
powers that controlled the world’s banks
because hidden secrets were revealed and
lifestyles threatened, as the worlds money
systems crumbled.

Only one person could save Hank from the peril
he had created; only she didn’t love him
The Millionaire Maverick (Novel)
Kindle and Paperback (by Susan James)

Acknowledgment: Gone with The Wind /
Historical Romance (Academy Award Best
Picture/1940) Original Book written by
Margaret Mitchell / Screenplay Sidney Howard.

PDF and Epub Versions

WATCH FOR: The Money/Livelihood
Gamebook! Very Colorful & Helpful!

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