Is Everything Ready for When You Get That Thing You Want? (Susan James)

Is Everything Ready for When We Get That
Thing We Want? (Susan James)

As we get better at understanding and applying-
practicing how thought turns into form, one of
the important questions which helps to direct
and expand us in the having of those things
goes something like this:

Is Everything Ready For When I Get That Thing
I’ve Chosen to Have?

Let’s say if we have company coming.
We either think it or make a list of things we
need to have done before they arrive.

1. Pick up Socks!
2. Plan snacks
3. Clean the Bathroom!
4. Dust and Vacuum if you are my sister.
5. Let the Housekeeper know, if you have one!
6. Change the sheets…(you never know!)
(You get the idea.)

Another Example:
If we are selling widgets are we ready for
If we are mailing things from our home office,
do we have the materials and the widgets ready
to make a prompt shipping?

Applying those types of questions expands to
something we desire to have, but is not yet in
our experience:

What things do I need to do to be ready for the
delivery of that thing I’ve chosen to have?

If we are not yet ready to make that list or level
of commitment, then we mostly like need to ask
ourselves some ‘sub-questions’ like, do I ‘really’
expect that thing to show up?

If the answer is ‘not really’ but we want to, then
we may need to do a ‘done deal degreaser’ to
clean up the thought energy around us having
that thing.

And….If we are not yet ready to do that…then
we are only ‘wishing’.

Wishing can get us started on the track of
having, but it will take a bit more application
and understanding of how to move the bridge
within us from ‘wishing to, expecting to

So…are we down’ any of that?

The Truth Does Not Bend,
But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything.
Susan James

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Everything Susan James

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC