Increasing the Probabilities of Getting What We Want- Kissing and Desire (Excerpts) Susan James

Increasing the Probabilities of Getting What
We Want- Kissing and Desire
(Excerpts from Manifesting 101 and 102)
(by Susan James)
(a little reminder about the basics!)

Question: What is the single most important and
easiest way to get what you want?

Answer: (choose) (a.) Imagination, (b.)
Imagination, (c .) Imagination.

We can use it to fall in love, and/or heal
ourselves. What we have to do is to get good
at using it as a tool.

We have to practice using it as a tool. How do
we do that? We think about things that we want.
We daydream. We picture what we want to
happen, and we notice how we feel. If we feel
good as we are thinking of something, then the
creation process of bringing it to us has begun,

So the practice part is thinking about it always
working out the way we want and staying in
that place.

“Don’t let a day go by without thinking about
what you want.”“When we focus on an intention
or a goal, imagining that it is already there, the
inner self gets set to archive that goal in ways
that the conscious mind can’t plan or
understand” (“Beyond the Winning Streak” by
Lynda M. Dahl).

You simply make it easier for the Universe/God
to deliver to you your desires by increasing the
probabilities. How do you increase the
probabilities? Use your imagination!

Kissing and Desire (Manifesting 102 & Beyond-
Excerpt) (by Susan James)

As we mold our own energy on a more
consistent basis and on purpose, in order to
design our lives the way we choose, we learn
more and more about the skill of visualization,
pondering and day-dreaming. We are told that
this is one of the key factors in allowing our
intentions and desires to manifest.

If we can stay in the affection mode and not the
result mode then we are more allowing of our
manifestation. When we take our feelings and
eyes off of the affection and put it on the result,
we actually push the manifestation away or slow
it down.

How can we know the difference? How do we
know when we cross that line? Here is what
works for me and came so clearly. Kiss or

If I am entertaining a thought of kissing, I am no
way attached to the kiss. I am only feeling the
affection, the fondness, the fun, the moment,
and not the end result: kiss.
It is the affection of what I am in that moment,
and not the end result kiss, which is physical

Think about this. If I were to think about the end
result product kiss, then I am having thoughts of
which way his nose, which way mine?

What’s he thinking? Do I do this or do I do that?
Will he do this with his this or that? Etc. And
what is missing from all of that? Enjoyment!
It is the feeling of fondness and affection (desire
words), for kissing, not the end result: kiss.

It’s not the end result: ice cream, it’s enjoying
the eating of ice cream. It’s the enjoyment, of
having it! It’s the kissing, not the kiss! It’s the
moment of the enjoyment of the end result, not
the end result.

This applies to all material and non-material
issues. We are to stay in the enjoyment stage of
visualization; this is where the affection and
fondness for the thing is. If we stop enjoying it,
then change the subject. Keep the tension out of
the enjoyment stage, and the enjoyment stage
ceases when we begin to think about the end
So we wouldn’t think of our dream home,
in terms of brick and mortar.

We would think of it in terms of loving being in it,
of the affection we have for living there.
If we stop enjoying the moment, then we have moved
away from creating what we want, in the easiest way.
Stay in the enjoyment stage. (sj)

Manifesting 101 & Beyond (Kindle-Paperback)

Manifesting 102 & Beyond (Kindle-Paperback)
Also available in PDF and ePub

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