How to Win at Manifesting The Big Prizes (The Tennis Ladder) Susan James

How To Win At Manifesting The Big Prizes
(The Tennis Ladder) (by Susan James)

We all want to win. Some of us have a passion
for winning. Winning does not have to mean
competition. It can simply mean, we get what
we want, and we know we will get what we
want. We win our lives the way we want them
to be.

How do we win the big prizes? You know those
prizes. The ones that seem just out of our reach,
but we think of them often. We want to win
those prizes.

Here’s how it works:

In high school, I was on the tennis team, and
there was a tennis ladder. This ladder had all of
us who were on the team placed on this ladder.
Usually the coach puts you where he/she thinks
you are skill wise. If you want to move up that
ladder, then you have to challenge the person in
the rung above you for their position. You have
to beat them out of their place on the ladder.
You have to win at being who you are.

Apparently my coach didn’t think I was
extremely skilled. I wasn’t on the bottom of the
ladder thankfully; I was put in the position of #1
Doubles Team at the beginning of the season. If
I wanted to move from there, then I was the one
that would have to do the moving.

That’s not last, but it’s not what I wanted, and I
knew I was better than that. I wanted to be a
singles player.

In order to do that I was going to have to
challenge my best friend. Telling your best
friend that you think you can beat her, and want
to beat her out of her place is actually harder
than the skill needed to win the tennis match.
(Especially when you are in high school.) But I
knew I could beat her. And so I did. I won.

This moved me up to the next skill level. I was
now 3rd singles. I felt like I could beat the 2nd
singles girl, but I was not so sure about the girl
in the #1 slot. Nope, she was very, very, skilled
in the game of tennis. She was better than me,
and I knew it. I wasn’t at her skill level yet.

In order for us to win at manifesting, meaning
we really get what we want, because we used
the skills to get us there faster and better, then
we have to choose our goals/intentions to get us

In tennis, it’s the next person above you on the
ladder. In manifesting skillfully, it’s the next
level of understanding the mechanics of atomic
light energy and applying it to our lives.

Just as in tennis, we have to practice the skill in
order to move up the ladder. In manifesting
successfully, it’s the same thing. We have to
practice the skills that bring us our stuff. As we
get better at it, just as in the higher levels of
tennis, the grunt work falls away.

The real challenge has been, is that people have
been naive in understanding how things work.
And only those willing to accept that there is
skill to this manifesting stuff, will they then
begin to develop the skills and move up the
manifesting ladder and be the star players on the
manifesting team.

‘The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything’ (sj)

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

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