How to Know Your Next Step When You Don’t Know Your Next Step (Susan James)

How to Know Your Next Step When You Don’t
Know Your Next Step (Susan James)

As I’ve written previously I always start my day
playing the game of Free Cell on my Kindle.
I always set it up the easiest way and I always
win, every single time. Playing this game
continues to be a teaching tool for me.

As I’m playing the game I always ask, what’s
the next move? Where’s the 9 of hearts?

I’m looking for the next play, the next step. I
always find it, sometimes I have to backup.
But I’m always shown the next play, the next
step to winning.

We do this in all of our sports games, be it
football, soccer, tennis and the like. We are
thinking the thought of what’s the next play, the
next step that leads us down the field. We are
always given the answer. Where does this
answer come from? And maybe we could
realize, we can use where that answer came
from for some of our dream fulfillment. For
some of the castles that feel a bit further away
than our buttons.

So how do we know what our next step is when
we don’t know what our next step is?

We Ask. We ask in our brain, in our heart. We
already know we want to win, we want that
thing, and we can lead ourselves there by

What’s my next step? What’s my next play?
And then follow that! And what is this ‘really’

And how will we know ‘that’ step is the next
one? It will simply feel enjoyable to consider
doing, it’ll feel ‘right’.

It’s helping us trust the invisible side of life at
new levels. And….as we do that, ‘things’ move
along faster and very nicely!

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR