How to Change Your Mind When You Don’t Feel Like It. (Expanding Business Livelihood) Susan James

How to Change Your Mind, When You Don’t
Feel Like It. (Expanding Business-Livelihood)
(by Susan James)

There’s a wonderfully amusing Geico
commercial, where two cave men are traveling
in a car.

The passenger cave man, notices outside his
window another cave man carving a round
wheel out of a square stone block.

The passenger cave man says to his driver friend
nudging his head to the view, ‘Well that’ll never
work!’ Implying that the fellow was making a
silly round wheel that would never work!

And we know that’s not true!

Every time I see that commercial, I’m reminded
of the time I said : ‘That’ll Never Work!’.

That moment was years ago, when I worked part
time in a large box bookstore. (Loved it!)
I was helping a customer with a book she
wanted. She was showing me her book image
on a tablet thing.

As I stood looking at the image on that elect-
ronic book device, I immediately thought,
‘That’ll Never Work’. (Meaning, that the
electronic book thing would never take off
or be something that would change the world.
Same as the fellow who commented on carving
the wheel out of stone would do nothing to
change the world!)

This is extra amusing to me, since I now own 3
Kindles and 1 Nook. I still buy print books, of
course, but most of my reading is done on an
electronic book-tablet.

So…what or how did I change my mind? It’s not
just about ‘times have changed’ as there are
many folks who enjoy reading but do not do so
from an electronic device.

And did I ‘really need or want’ to change my

My livelihood is writing and many of its
extensions; so many things to do and play with!
However, as I’ve chosen to develop this
livelihood, I’ve done so with implementing
higher understandings of how things work. As
in how we may control how our lives show up
from daily events to Done Deal dreams.

I was willing to change my mind due to the
automatic processes that change within us as we
use words and thoughts on purpose. I’ve been
willing to ‘try’ that, and it has worked.

So, if and when you find yourself thinking of
things you want for your life but don’t see or
understand the way, maybe use simple words
said and or written in positive, expectant,
enthusiastic ways and means. Those words just
may help you change and expand your
consciousness. Which then allows for newness
to flow in! And this is newness that you may
just so, LOVE!

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James



Coming In The New Year..
Castles Private Label (Book)
(for Those Already On The Ladder
of Applied Higher Knowledge)

What a Writer Can Do!
A Livelihood Video by Susan James

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Susan James Casual
(a Plethora of Items for Writers-BookLovers)

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