The Surety of Chili Palmer, Can We Be That
Sure? How To ! (Susan James)
We Want Steven Tyler, We Get Steven Tyler.
We Want Martin Weir, We Get Martin Weir.
(Elmore Leonard’s Chili Palmer Played by John
Travolta in Elmore Leonard’s, Be Cool and Get
Shorty, Respectively.)
Are We That Sure? And If Not, How To Be !
Whenever ‘Be Cool’ or ‘Get Shorty’ show up on
HBO, I am there! Those films playing in the
background keep me in wonderful company as I
do whatever enjoyable things I’m doing.
Question: So…are we that sure in what we’ve
chosen to have or be?
Being that Sure, moves everything in our favor.
If we’re not that sure but prefer to be, how may
we accomplish that level of surety?
1. We Choose to Be Sure. We Decide.
From there we’re given the ways and means to
move us along.
2. We pay attention to what shows up.
It helps if we keep our minds in a positive,
optimistic place.
We can do that in may ways, I’ve done it and
continue to do it with Effortless Visualization.
It’s my intention to make it as easy as possible
so that I will do it!
Acknowledgments: Get Shorty and Be Cool
were Based on Elmore Leonard’s novels
wonderfully expanded into films by MGM Film
Productions. And of Course, Steven Tyler from
Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
And MORE !
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Susan James
‘The Truth Does Not Bend,
But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything.’
(Susan James)
Susan James Courses
How to Get What You Want w/o Goofin’ It Up
First! Susan James Underlying Themes Revolve
Around Raising Our Individual Illumination and
the Effect We have on Humanity as well as
Ourselves as we do so.
Susan James Studio (SJ YouTube)
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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR