Got a Quarter for An Angel? (a Susan James Mini-Money Game)

Got a Quarter for An Angel?
‘Little Ways to Make A Lot’ (sj)
(a Susan James Mini-Money Game)

This is an elevated method based on one of the
original Susan James Manifesting Games-
Group Courses ( 5 and Dime Millions Game).

(NOTE: If you’d prefer this in PDF, its
FREE on )

I’m putting out this revised simplified online
version for anyone whom may feel led to it.
I’ve updated it once again for:
‘Got a Quarter for An Angel?’
Try it for 3 Days, that’s all, and then repeat if
so led.

This Mini-Money Game is based on the higher
understanding of:

1. Creating Castles and Buttons Are The Same.
2. Linear Thought and Allowing Don’t Mix
3. We Keep The Supply Chain for Open Our
Desire Fulfillment via Enjoyment
4. Everything that we appreciate, have affection for,
feel pleased about, receives our vibration.
That’s how that Japanese scientist made those
water molecules look so incredible.

And we make all of the molecules that surround
us look and feel wonderful when we flow love
and appreciation for them. They are our
Since we are on the leading edge of thought
creation when we flow appreciation, affection,
care for things in our world it immediately flows
back to us.

Money is a Unique Energy in and Of Itself.
In This Game ‘Every Quarter is An Angel’,
The concept is very simple: Think of this: At
some moment in your life you may have found
extra change in a drink machine or coins on a
parking lot.

Think of the moment, how neat it felt, when you
found free money. It was a treat! In that
moment, you created a joy a pure love vibration.

The ‘Got a Quarter for An Angel’ is simply
about giving that feeling to someone, whom we
may not know some of that feeling!

This is about changing our mind around money.

We can place quarters on grocery and retail
shelves for customers and employees to find.
We can also tape a quarter (or more) to one of
the little square cards of ‘Just Thanks Panda’.

Consciousness-Source Energy does not care if
it’s a quarter or a $50.00 Bill. It only reacts to
the vibration, the emoting we put out. And it
gives back to us in ways we may or may not
associate with games such as this.

It works the same as we give love and affection
to ‘water molecules’ as we tell our plants and
pets the we love them, as we tell our vehicles
how happy we are that they take such good care
of us.

If, as we are reading this simple exercise, and in
need of money, but have a challenge with
thinking about putting ‘free money’ for someone
to discover, we need to ask ourselves ‘why’ are
we holding onto thoughts of lack around money
at such a minimal amount. If we can’t find it in
our hearts to make someone’s day by having
them find a coin or two in a coin machine, on a
parking lot or on a grocery shelf, then how do
we think we are going to allow the flow of the
money we keep saying we want? It won’t

We have to open ourselves up and we do that by
first noticing how we have closed ourselves off.

It’s simple: Give a Little To Get A Lot. And
then Watch!

(It’s Not About The Cash, Stash, It’s About The

Since money is an important aspect of our
Businesses as well as Livelihoods and Lifestyles
then the better we feel around money, then the
more opportunities and events around our
businesses also open up and expand.

Giving away money, quite often due to the Law
of The Circle, may stimulate an idea or
opportunities from ourselves or someone else,
that in turn will bring more revenue to our

This is also a GREAT Tool for Children!
Start Small and Watch for Big Returns.

And here’s the math for ‘How to Bring More
Angels Into Our Lives to Help us and Humanity
out a bit!’

See, think of each Quarter (or dime or nickel)
that you put out there as an Angel. Each time
you send an angel out there it gives them a path
to express more light.

It also brings more Light back to us, which
automatically makes things easier and better!

Plant 10 Angels brings 10 Angels into our
space. (10 x .25 = $2.50)

Have Fun and Best And Splendid Success !
Susan James

GeniSourceology-Creating Desire
Fullfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)

The Magic Wall and MORE (New Format)
How To Pay Your Bills Easily, Magically, while
fear of not being able to, is Eating Your Guts
Out. Details:

Done Deal Degreaser is Here:

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

Tools of The Trade (Effortless Visualization)
Susan James

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
Available Paperback-Kindle Amazon
and PDF epub here

Susan James Books on Amazon

Everyday is Payday (Kit)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books

Susan James Socks (for Readers-Writers)
Susan James Casual (Etsy)

FaceCovering for Readers-Writers
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
Susan James Books

Susan James Casual (Etsy)

Just Thanks Panda
Susan James Casual (Etsy)
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