From Mental Images to Material Form (Done Deal Excerpt) Susan James

From Mental Images to Material Form
(by Susan James) (Done Deal Excerpt)
The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

How do we move beyond our human traits
sending ‘what we truly want’ away from us? We
teach ourselves the importance that imagination
plays in our life experience. We really look at
it. We really now appreciate what it is and what
it does for us.

As we bring mental pictures into form, by
pondering about what we want on purpose, the
Soul/Spirit/Consciousness, registers the feeling
that we are having as we place the image in
our minds. We provide the feeling vibration
which Consciousness reads and hears as
language to answer, by providing the picturing
of the thing we want. As we hold that picture in
our minds, it sets on our frontal lobe and
automatically creates a feeling within us.

The thought/feeling is the desire to manifest
something we really want, the having of it.
Having it is part of it, but not the primary
motivation. The desire to manifest is what really
drives us. And where does that come from? It
comes from our Soul/Spirit/Higher Selves,
whom as an entity of Consciousness, chooses to
evolve as well. Therefore, the Soul evolves as
the human evolves by manifesting. If we as the
human do not follow the inspirations sent to us
as we manifest, then our dreams stay stuck,

Soul is another name, another form of Energy,
Soul is thought. God is thought. Higher Self is
thought. Consciousness is thought. All of this as
thought plays a partnership role with us as
humans. The Soul Energy sends us a desire, at
the level we are prepared to choose it. For
instance, if you are reading this, then you have
somewhere within you, for what ever reason you
give yourself, the desire to create something you
want, something you don’t yet have in your

So our higher, smarter selves have sent us that
as a carrot. The higher self knows as we move
towards this millionaire status, towards this new
home, new car or special event we desire
having, we will be manifesting other things to
reach that end.

We will be dropping our encumbrances to reach
that Done Deal. We will be moving higher in
vibration, which also helps to raise the
consciousness of humanity at large, and last but
not least the soul evolves further. So lots going
on as we think of all of those great things we
truly want!

Our part as the human, is as we receive the
desire for something, then we play our part in
this partnership by providing the images of how
we would like that desire to look and feel in our

We focus on the essence of what is wanted
which produces feelings of which
Consciousness now reads and answers. The
Soul registers the feelings of our pictures, and
then it is created in our experience. Unless of
course we keep changing our minds through
thoughts which contradict what we want.

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Kindle and Paperback
Affecting The Probability of Possibility

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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR