Dreama’s Wisdom: 26 Letters Make Fortune, Health, Wealth (Susan James)

26 Letters Make The Fortune, The Health, The
Wealth, Depending On How We Use Them

What Are The 26 Letters?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q,
R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

These letters comprise a system of sorts, and
anything that we choose or desire to have
happens faster and with more quality, if we
use a system. We can choose a system we are
already aware of, we can use one system to
create another system and our system can be we
simply make it up as we go.

At its core these 26 letters make up WORDS,
which make up thought streams which move
into thought forms, which create our

We can use words to create our fortunes our
wealth and our health. Words move us forward
and into better and more; depending on how we
use them, be it constructively or not. Positively
or not. Expectantly or not.

Oh and be on the look for Susan James and
Barkle #10: Susan James Helps Dreama and
Savannah Suede with Weight Loss and Wealth.

James Allen/As A Man Thinketh


Susan James Books On Amazon:

Susan James Books (PDF-ePub)

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writers, LLC ARR