Dreama on The Ease of It All: The Answer is SO Easy! (Susan James)

Dreama on The Ease of It All: The Answer is
SO Easy! (Susan James)

I was given a dream on The Ease of It All.
Here’s the dream and what I did with it.

Intent: To Understand and Apply The Dream I
Was Given.

Q: What was the Dream?

A: I was happily running around going from
person to person with a very easy quiz question.

The answer was SO EASY. I knew the answer.
It was so obvious. And I couldn’t understand
since the answer was so easy, why no one could
get the answer to the question.
I had formulated the question in many different
ways, all very simple and easy, but no one, NO
ONE got it right.

But here’s the jest of the question:

The Question was:
‘Which Letter falls between the letters?
Fill in the Blank: ‘A ____ C’ .

No one was getting the answer! It wasn’t a trick
question. The answer is ‘B’.

Now many of us understand that dreams usually
are about ‘us’ and of course I saw it that way,
and knew it was based on a question I had been
asking in relation to my own desire fulfillment
themes. (As I always ask in the Best of The
Best, Easiest Ways and Means.)

The answer that kept showing up is to ask
THEM and Apply The Law of Opulence, which
means understanding why we can ‘trust the
desire’ and from where it came.

Ok, so what’s our human role ?

1. Ask THEM

2. Stay in Enjoyment, don’t judge what that IS.

3. Keep the Done Deal running in my mind.
Which is: My Primary Intent

1. Ask THEM
2. Stay in Enjoyment
    a. As we are led
    b. Play in the having of it

For those that have not read Rich E Richest 2
latest books (which applies all of this to a new
business and lifestyle model) and maybe won’t
read them, here’s the Answer:

1. Ask THEM
2. Stay in Enjoyment. (As this in turn keeps the
delivery track, path, tunnel, channel of delivery
open for All of NP, Invisible to pour through
our good stuff to our physical lives.)
3. Follow what shows from #1 and #2.

The Message for ‘me’ from the dream was:
It’s ALL….ALL of It is so easy and the
accomplishment of this is as easy as it is in
Steps 1, 2, 3; as Easy as ABC !

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

Rich E Richest has 2 New Books Out!
Details Here! RichERichest.com

Need a little MORE help with any of this?

Maybe Consider The 8 Day Business and
Livelihood Boost!
It’s a Short Course In a 29 Page PDF
(Cost: $349.00) Details and Outline Here!

Or an Introduction to The Law of Opulence
maybe take a look at the The Kindle Book
Desire Fulfillment-Automatic Mechanism
(Applying The Law of Opulence) $9.99
(Also in PDF Here:)

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Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR