Dreama-Best Way to Plant Tomatoes and Money (Susan James)

The Best Way to Plant Tomatoes and Money So
That We Get Tomatoes and Money.
(Susan James)

When we plant tomatoes we expect tomatoes
to show up.

We do whatever we need to help in the growth
of that tomato. Much of what we do, begins with
thought. Thought as to how to, what is needed

We first started with a ‘thought’ of having
tomatoes. We became aware of the steps for us
to have tomatoes. We could go to the store for
the tomato, but if we are like my sister, we plant
a garden for the tomatoes to appear.

In thought if we plant good thoughts, we get
good circumstances. If we plant not good
thought we get not good circumstances.

If we plant tomatoes, we don’t get corn.
We plant good thoughts of having tomatoes
which creates good conditions for us to have

If we want more money we have to find ways to
plant good thoughts around our money.
There are many ways to do that ! If we plant not
good thoughts around our money, we have not
good thoughts around our money.

Just as we have a tomato garden, we can also
have a ‘money garden’! Plant Good Money
Thoughts !

Oh and Remember: Don’t Yell at Tomatoes!
Are You Yelling at Tomatoes?
Trusting The Gestation Period of Manifestation
(How to Believe When We Can’t See It Yet)
(by Susan James)

‘The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything’. Susan James

The Money Garden & Magic Wall Printables