Difference Between Inevitable & Expectation in Desire Fulfillment-Susan James

The Difference Between Inevitable and
Expectation in Desire Fulfillment
(Susan James)

Intent: Easily and In Feel Good Enjoyable Ways
and Means Apply The Higher Law of
Economics (Law of Opulence) to this:

It’s suggested in many places for desire
fulfillment to do the following:

1. Imagine It Done.
2. Say It as Done.
3. Act as if It’s Done.

Previous Way:

-Simply Visualize the Done Deal, End Result of
our lives-lifestyle etc. We can do this in our
imagination and we can be helped with this via
images, magic walls etc.

-We speak aloud and in thought statements of
what we choose having.

-Acting as if we are already have that thing or
experience can be done in little ways such as
asking ourselves what we’d be doing as that
thing has materialized, and do some of that in
ways that feel good. (Activities of preparing the
way, etc)

In the Previous Way There was no real
‘connect’ with the how and why of our choices
of desires showing up fulfilled.

We were to expect it, and expectation could be
applied in various ways.
It would be suggested to have faith, hope and
trust our choices would manifest. Faith, hope
and trust are good, in and of themselves.

However, there is a more ‘correct’ way, a
leveling up, so to speak, which would assist in
momentum and timing.

As we begin to understand the Higher Law of
Economics (Law of Opulence), we give
ourselves the understanding of how and why our
choices are Inevitable. Inevitable being a level
up from Expectation.

Inevitable is defined as ‘Unable to be avoided,
inescapable, fixed, for certain, unavoidable ,
undeniable, no if’s ands or buts. Unpreventable.

Expectation: likelihood, chance, hope, probable,
possible, degree of probability.

A Question we may consider asking ourselves:
‘Which would I prefer, which one feels more
concrete and done ?’

We get to choose:
The Inevitability or Expectation of Our Desire
Fulfillment, our dreams coming true, our day in
and day out experience and all in easy and best
of the best ways and means.

Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James

Want MORE on This ? Please Consider:
Desire Fulfillment-Automatic Mechanism
Amazon Kindle $9.99
PDF Version on SusanJamesBooks.com

Best and Splendid Success !
Susan James
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The Done Deal (by Susan James)
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Affecting The Probability of Possibility

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our Money and Livelihood Desires.
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Easily, Magically, while fear of not being able
to, is Eating Your Guts out. (16 pg PDF $17.00)
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GeniSourceology-Creating (Susan James:
Desire Fulfillment From The Non-Linear Space
(Making It Easy To Do, To Have What We
Choose and Applying It To More Money.)
(33 Pg PDF $27.00)
Details-Outline: Genisourceology

The Magic Money PillowCase
Available Here: Susan James Casual (Etsy)
and Susan James Books (Digital and More)

Hank Ramsan (Privately Famous) Novel
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