Rocker Dude Wants Us To Feel Better (Susan James)

Just a Little Better Brings A Lotta Better
(by Susan James)
(Reprinted from last summer! w/a bit
of newness…fits for NOW!)

Maybe you aren’t where you want to be.
Maybe things feel real rough.
Maybe you can’t see your way out.
Maybe your skin is burning from the emotion of
it. (And my, my, all of those, I’ve been there!)

Just Start a wish list..

When we are using writing to help us feel better,
it’s often the bridge across the river.

It moves us from fear to hope. Sometimes hope
is the miracle we need to feel, to know things
are getting better. Things are feeling better and
moving into being better.

It’s the rope we need to pull us from the chasm
in our circumstances. It moves us from not
happening, to the possibility of happening, to
the probability of happening towards our dreams
coming true.

When we are out of alignment with all that is
higher we feel ‘out of synch’. We start to feel
frustration, hurt.

When we feel like that we need to do something
so simple that we will actually do the thing. Do
it when we don’t feel like anything could help.
The circumstances don’t matter. (See The Done
Deal Book!)

The circumstances will change when we change
how we are ‘feeling’. We can change how we
feel in an instant. We can do it with pen and
paper. We can do it with spoken word.

As Julia Cameron suggests in one of her many
wonderful books on writing and the creative life
and livelihood,(The Right to Write) ‘just start a
wish list.’

Just very quickly without thinking of it write:
‘I wish’ and write your wishes…even if you
think they would be impossible to
materialize..write them. Have your children play
it with you. Some for you and some for them!

Some suggestions Julia uses:
I wish my hair were longer.
I wish I had more cash flow
I wish I had a loving relationship/partner.
I wish I were more slender.
I wish I felt better most of the time.
I wish my business would expand more easily.
I wish I had some easy ideas that would be fun
to play with.
I wish I had a new car.
I wish I would go to the movies more often.
I wish I would simply feel better about my life.

Then there is even more simpler..
Just do a Swords of Three’s.

I feel better.
I feel better.
I feel better…
(Repeat in chunks of 3 X 3)

And maybe before you’re done, it moves to..
I feel good.
I feel better about things.
I simply feel better.
Or maybe you can’t even get there yet. Just
write, ‘I’d like to feel just a little bit better.’

‘Wish Lists are More Potent than they
appear. They actually move us on a
subconscious level to move forward
towards our dreams. (Julia Cameron)

The Gods gave us words to help mold and
change our lives. (The Enoch)

Some days we simply need them just to feel
better, to give us hope when we don’t think
there is any.

Just write, or think, I Wish…I Felt Better…

That starts your bridge from where you are to
where you’d prefer to be!
Then just a little better brings a lotta better!

And to whom ever needed this today….I know
you’re gonna feel better!

When Only MORE Knowledge Will Do!
Susan James

Coming VERY Soon!
‘Everyday is Payday’ KIT
(Free and mailed out in postal-snail mail)

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