Getting Money to Better (Susan James)

Getting Money to Better
(Please Note I Changed The Title A Bit
to Take ‘Not’ Out it )
(by Susan James)

I try not to visit the subject of ‘not money’ too
often but I’ve been asked to. So here we go and
I’ll keep it concise and brief.

First, I’ve been there.
I was there when I didn’t know how things
really worked. I was there when I discovered
how things really worked, and boy that was

When we have a lack of money, the one thing
we can use is an abundance of WORDS.

Words will move us from feeling not good to
better. We need to build a bridge to simply
feeling better. Feeling Good may be a stretch!

After finding out how things worked, I would
get so pissed when my head would fill up with
‘not enough money’ kind of thoughts so I would
do anything and everything to move me from

I knew the expense involved if I did not move
from that place.

I would pull out my Abraham-Hicks books.
I would watch Abraham-Hicks videos.
I would pull out my own books.
The thing that led me to the books and the
videos was first my own WORDS.

I would do a simple Sword of Three’s but I
would first write an intent statement.

Intent: I need and want to feel better.

Sword of Three’s:
I Feel Better
I would write that statement 9 x. in 3 sets of 3.
Then I would read those statements and check
them off as I read them aloud.

It was from simply doing that, that inspiration
would start. It would send me to other things
that felt better. This led to hope.

Words helped me believe in things that I wanted
to believe in but did not yet.

Words are free to use and they can bring us a
wealth of better lives, lifestyles and livelihoods;
and of course MORE Money!

My Best and Splendid Movement up an out
from where you are to where you want to be!
Susan James
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Sword of Three’s Copyright Susan James
Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC