Dreama & Savannah Suede-The Interview (The Cliff & Dating)

Dreama & Savannah Suede
The Interview: The Cliff & Dating

Do You Remember those times when everyone
else was running toward the cliff and you didn’t

Savannah Suede: Yes, I’ve had many of those times.

Dreama: What happened? How did you not go?

Savannah Suede: I reminded myself of how
things really work. I didn’t need to explain
myself. I just kept my mind on The Done Deal
of it, of what I wanted.

Dreama: and what was that?

Savannah Suede: There was a positive outcome
that I wanted. It was a choice I made to have

The only person I can influence is ‘me’. So I do
my best to keep myself in an optimistic,
enthusiastic and positive state of mind.

Dreama: But what about the others?

Savannah Suede: I am of no help to anyone,
including myself, at the bottom of a cliff, or on a
road I do not want to be on.

How bout we change the subject to something
that feels a bit better!

Dreama: Ok good idea! So, are you dating

Savannah Suede: Yes.

Dreama: Mind if I ask who?

Savannah Suede: Hank Ramsan

Dreama: Wow, really?

Savannah Suede: Yep.

Dreama: What about this ‘social distancing’
thing, how is that working with you and Hank?

Savannah Suede: Well he’s writing another
book, so he needs the space, and as you know he
is ‘Privately Famous’ anyway.

Dreama: Ok well on that note we’ll close this
out as I need to be on the hunt for some TP!

Best Success and Care to Everyone!
Dreama, Savannah Suede and Susan James

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC
Books-Courses-Consulting and MORE!

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Hank Ramsan & Privately Famous
Savannah Suede

©Genisourceology / Susan James / Vast Five /
426 Writer, LLC ARR