Dreama-Higher Bent #2 Positive Intent & Expectation (Susan James)

Dreama-Higher Bent #2
Positive Intention + Expectation
(Feed the Spark of That!)

And maybe consider this as a statement of
I have created with and organized Source
Energy into forms that never existed before.

Source Energy has Become One with my
creation. My creations that I sustain for even
more than a minute or to have begun to take
on a life of their own without any further
input from me.

The things I can do to keep them energized,
to further them, to hasten them along is to
add energy to them. I do this by building
them up with Positive Thought, Positive
Belief and Expectation.
The suggested way to use the statement:

A. Read it aloud 3x in the morning.
B. Do it for 9 Days straight.
C. Pay Attention to what shows up!

Love Dreama

Higher Bent Developed by Dreama from
The GeniSourceoloy Course by Susan James

GeniSourceology: The Course ($247.)
There’s an Online Portion accessed through
Podia and an OFFLINE portion.
(Susan is mailing out packets in Postal Mail,
International Included.)
Details and Outline here: GeniSourceology

©Just Thanks Panda is Born!
(a Susan James Manifestation Method)

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC
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©Genisourceology / Susan James / Vast Five /
426 Writer, LLC ARR