Dreama offers a Higher Bent for a Lower
Maybe some of us have thoughts that are
keeping us in places that don’t feel good and it
makes it difficult to move forward in any ways
or means.
If it is of interest to divert your mind so that you
don’t feel bad, Or may just to Establish a routine
to feel better.
The simple Magic Wall may help.
It’s also something easy to do with your
children, to help them think other thoughts and
feel better. To embrace a better feeling and
looking future.
How could The Magic Wall help?
It can help to move our thoughts forward instead
of stuck in not so good feeling places.
Operating from the ‘higher frequencies’ makes
life easier. However it’s only through our
individual experience that we will know ‘that’.
The Magic Wall (by Susan James)
1. The Magic Wall came about due to my
research and dissection of the Aladdin’s Lamp
Fable and Ali Baba and the Cave of Thieves.
Both Persian Fables which are known to contain
Ancient Truth and Wisdoms.
2. Suggestion: have two focuses on your
Magic Wall: (Change them for your children.)
A. Livelihood Intentions
B. Lifestyle Intentions
3. Have Pictures/photos of both lifestyle and
livelihood Intentions on Posterboard. Or put
them on your frig, somewhere you will see them
4. Have inspirations/tasks/projects…..things to
be done listed on the Magic Wall …make it
colorful if you can.
5. State as an intention: Everything on My
Magic Wall Comes True.
6. Our Magic Wall is Our Aladdin’s Lamp.
7. Why does this work? Because, we understand
the Mechanics of Imagination; we find this leads
to knowledge, which leads to experience.
Best and Splendid Success Everyone!
Susan James
and what does Dreama have to do with this?
She likes the attention, it makes her feel good,
so she get’s front and center position!
And Thanks to Dreama for helping me out!
Susan James
Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC
©Genisourceology / Susan James / Vast Five /
The Magic Wall /426 Writer, LLC ARR