Ideal Entrepreneurial Affirmation (Susan James)

The Ideal Entrepreneurial Affirmation
(by Susan James)

Assuming whoever is reading this already
knows the power of words and how we can use
them to change our lives. If not or if you need a
refresher there are a kabillion books by great
folks including mine that can help to remind or
introduce you to wonderful ‘words’.

This statement is mostly for those of us who
have an entrepreneurial flair, but can be re-
worded to suit your own life.

The suggested way to use the statement:

A. Read it aloud 3x in the morning.
B. Do it for 9 Days straight.
C. Pay Attention to what shows up!

I Believe Know and Experience wholeheartedly
that I have net income flow of $____/month
from both known and unknown sources which
more than quadruple any of my expenses for
product creation, advertising costs and lifestyle

Best Success Everyone!
And Thanks to Dreama for helping me out!
Susan James

This was Sponsored by:
GeniSourceology: The Course ($247.)
There’s an Online Portion accessed through
Podia and an OFFLINE portion.
(Susan is mailing out packets in Postal Mail,
International Included.)

©Just Thanks Panda is Born!
(a Susan James Manifestation Method)

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC
Books-Courses-Consulting and MORE!
Everything Susan James

Susan James Books On Amazon:

Susan James Books (PDF / Epub)

©Genisourceology / Susan James / Vast Five /
426 Writer, LLC ARR