Why Circumstances Don’t Matter (Susan James) I Needed a ReFresher!

Recently I felt some resistance showing up.
When you’ve been practicing keeping yourself
in an optimist, positive, enthusiastic state of
mind and understanding why doing so makes a
huge difference in our lives, beginning to feel
the opposite of that trying to take hold, well, I
know I need to remedy that as soon as possible.

As for many of us, our lives, businesses and
lifestyle are expanding and sometimes, at least
for me, the expansion starts to move faster than
I seem to want to allow. That lack of allowing is
‘not what I want’.

I knew what I needed to do. Re-read my own
writing of ‘Why Circumstances Don’t Matter’
from The Done Book.

I was reminded that the actual circumstantial
thought I may be having is the thought I have to
change in order to allow more of what I want to
easily show itself. The dense weight of that
resistant thought falls away. The change comes
in understanding why those lower thought
circumstances no longer ‘matter’, or at least not
as much.

I’m posting that chapter here in the event
someone other than me needs a re-fresher on:
Why Circumstances Don’t Matter.

The Reason Circumstances Do Not Matter
(Human Drama-Sabotage)
(from The Done Book / by Susan James )

Part of the Stage of Resistance is we think we
have to do something about everything.

-We have to do this, so that this happens.
-We have to solve this problem, so that this
-We have to fix this person, so that we feel
-We have to fix this event so that we feel better
and get what we want.

-We have to be Religious so that we get what we
-We have to be Spiritual so that we get what we
-We have to know and understand the LOA so
that we get what we want.
-We have to know our gifts and then do them so
that we get what we want.
-We have to provide, create some avenue, so that
the Universe can easily deliver our goods to us.

Within the Advanced parts of this book is a
reminder, that there is always MORE..And the
more we understand and see, then the Easier
Everything is. Why? Because we discover that
we don’t need to perform any mental or physical
activity, so that we get what we want.

However, we will not have a full operating
understanding of that, until and if, we surface
the human drama from our lives.

Human Drama…all of it…
All of the ‘other people’.
All of the other events, situations and
circumstances ..
All of the ‘well you need to do this, so that this
and that happens….all of it…

Does Not Matter…..

It matters, however if we ‘think’ (use our
thoughts) it does.

All of the books on how to do things, so that we
get things….is only a stage.
Just as…
For some of us moving through the various
Religions/Philosophies and Spirituality is a

It’s all part of the Stage of Resistance, which
clouds our way and adds linear time to our
desire fulfillment. Just because it feels good,
does not also mean, that some level of resistance
is not also contained within it.

Having desires fulfilled …for a while, requires
expanding from some of the stages of resistance,
which has been the thorn in our side along our
way. We have to remove the speck (resistance)
from our own eyes…so that we ‘see’.

As we expand from the various stages of
resistance, we make new discoveries, about
ourselves, others and the way things really

We have to make the human effort to expand
beyond the resistance, which has been telling us,
that we need to make the human effort to
expand beyond the resistance.

Resistance defined is: opposition to the flow of
electric current.

If we are choosing, and it is a choice, to not
expand from the various resistance, then this
means, we are in opposition to the flow of the
current, which would bring us all that we desire
and more……

A question to ask ourselves is:
What is our choice?

Susan James

The Done Deal (by Susan James)
Affecting The Probability of Possibilities
(Closing The Gap Between Desire and
The Done Deal on Amazon

Susan James Books on Amazon:

Susan James Books (PDF / Epub )
Everything Susan James
Vast Five Publishing

Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC