Mechanism of Financial Abundance (Susan James)









The Mechanism of Financial Abundance

(by Susan James)
(an Excerpt from Castles & Buttons / Book 2)

The more we have wants, needs and desires, the
more the energy vibration around us expands to
bring us more, to bring us those things.

It’s been made pretty clear that if we will use
mental ease instead of physical action to bring
us what we want, the faster our lives will open
up. Some of us are still getting good at that
piece of the higher puzzle.

I still use the same methods that I invented for
myself, so that I would ‘do it’, since I was
handed the book which changed the course of
my life and how I did things. (The Millionaire
from Nazareth by Catherine Ponder). (And
Thank You, to whom first gave me that book,
you know who you are!)

I still each morning without fail write my
swords and read them out loud. (On my magic
clipboard of course!) As my life got better and
all the crap dropped from it, bigger and better
desires showed themselves.

The whole point of it all is our expansion, and
our reward for expanding are the gifts of the
material world. The things which make our lives
more fun, full and easier. The things that help to
make us feel good and to feel happiness. The
things that as we first help ourselves, we then
can help others.

It’s difficult to help anyone for any sustained
amount of time if our own lives are in dis-repair.

Do I still need to do it every morning? No…but
I’ve learned the value of setting up my day from
the higher more powerful perspective and it’s
worth my few minutes in the morning. This
leaves me no doubt as to how my day will go,
even if I don’t know what the day is about, yet.

The Primary Mechanism, which we are all born
with, is the mechanism which moves us into
‘feeling good’, feeling peaceful, feeling fun and
fulfilled. Quite simply, if we feel good, we are
allowing abundance, expansion, all good things.
It’s the door to all forms of abundance, including

Castles & Buttons (Book Two)

When Only MORE Knowledge Will Do!
Susan James

New Book Soon! ‘Castles Escrow’ (based on
AH Vibrational Escrow)

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