That Space of Anything is Possible
(by Susan James)
I’ve been at this higher game for a good while
so I tend to really get miffed, when I have
thoughts show up that are in contrast to the
thought patterns I prefer having. I understand
the determent to having those thoughts based on
what I prefer and choose.
The good news is that I know what to do about
it and the reason behind it all has to do with
desires I’ve chosen for accomplishment.
Therefore, it’s in my best interest on a physical
level to degrease them as soon a possible. And
on the higher side, it expands my consciousness,
where life becomes much easier and there is
momentum to fulfillment. It’s an upward spiral
I’ve become quite accustomed to.
For those interested in themes of this nature,
I’ve described in this essay with some
explanation along the way how I degreased this
and what I know it meant.
On my Magic Chipboard I wrote:
I keep having thoughts that I don’t want to have.
I keep having thoughts showing up that I don’t
want to ‘think’ or have.
Therefore: as I notice them taking up space in
my mind, I surface and acknowledge them so
that they are gone.
These are linear thoughts, which come from
intellect-ego and affect the momentum of
What exactly are these ‘thoughts’ I no longer
want to have?
I am tying my level of intention and overall
success to what I am doing and being.
I am tying those actions to my intent and it does
NOT compute.
What does that tell me?
A. I am using linear thought patterns which are
B. I then judge-compare-measure based on the
linear thoughts. (This could keep me in a loop)
What is the non-linear approach, which is space
where anything is possible?
And reminder: My Subconscious accepts the
thought I give it as a truth and begins to create
behaviors that are in agreement with this truth.
And…Desires are satisfied with an ease that has
nothing to do with my ideas of ‘work’.
Desire IS Action.
The desire will bring about the proper result, the
feeling of effortlessness is what is important.
Note: give more ‘physical credit’ to the actual
desire of the intended accomplishment as
THAT THOUGHT is an action; just the thought
of that desire is comparable to any actual
‘doing’ action. That’s where the ‘effortlessness’
Why is that so?
My sub-conscious which works in the non-linear
space (which is the space where our dreams are
activated to come true) accepts the thoughts I
give it as truth and begins to create behaviors
that are in alignment with this truth.
My Desires are satisfied with an ease, that has
nothing to do with my idea of work.
So what does that mean?
My Desire, my Done Deals and all that comes
with it is bringing about the desired results.
So my thoughts of, ‘Am I doing enough, Am I
doing the right things with my physical
activity, are in direct opposition to the non-
linear way of accomplishment.’ DONE ! And
(As soon as I wrote out that last paragraph, I felt
something ‘lift’ and I also knew this was Done
and released!)
The good news about this is my recognition, just
as in weight loss, as soon as we set an intention,
energy begins re-organizing itself in the form of
‘sabotage’. Why? Because desire of what we
want is actually a higher more powerful light
energy than the un-wanted thoughts.
We have a choice, give into the sabotage and go
back to where we were, yet, once again, or
‘degrease’. Which after doing so, we do
in DO NOT have to do anything about it. As we
expand and clear our mind space of lower dense
energy our behavior, thoughts and actions
‘automatically and effortlessly’ will change.
They will change to move us with momentum
and quality towards that ‘thing’ we are choosing
to have fulfilled.
Did and DONE!
Best and Splendid Success to ALL and Every One!
Susan James
‘We can’t feel the essence of what we truly
want, if we aren’t making the effort to expand
from the lower density that hides it from us.(sj)’
(From The Done Deal)
‘The Truth Does Not Bend But Our Use of It
Allows Us to Bend Everything.’ (sj)
Coming Soon…(this means when I finish writing it!)
The poof and the proof of Manifestation is in the
non-linear space.
(Resource if you need it!)
The Done Deal Degreaser
Everything Susan James
Susan James / Vast Five Publishing
Susan James /Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR