Money Makes Us Happy
(and How to Get More Of It)
and What Elon Musk Has To Do With It.
(Susan James)
I’ve been both fortunate and thankful to be on the two
sides of money.
On the one side, needing it desperately, not knowing
from where or if it will come, and ‘poof’ it shows up.
On the other side, having it, and being given way more,
not expecting it and ‘poof’ it shows up. Now that is an
awesome happy feeling, as opposed to the equally good
feeling of ‘relief’ from the side of not having it.
Many cliche’s are written around ‘having money is
better’…yes..and yes and yes!
Money allows us to do many wonderful things. The
Higher Perspective needs us to build and develop our
lives so that higher light may flow through those things
we create. In many instances it takes money to build
those expansive things in our lives.
It’s taken more money to develop some of my ideas and
it keeps me excited about newness and the new roads
and people that may cross my path.
More Simply, when I have been given money, it’s made
me happy. When I have given money its made me
If you are reading this and money is a ‘problem’,
meaning, you lack it at a time when you drastically need
it and have no idea from where or if it will come; I’ve
been there. And I’ll tell you what has worked for me.
I taught myself higher laws. Some may call it
metaphysics or the esoteric. It’s how I’ve phrased what
I live by: ‘The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything. (sj)’
A simple way to begin or to begin again or to keep it up
if you are one who is already aware of the ease that can
come your way…is this and it’s based on the Law of
Cause and Effect, The Law of Supply and Demand if it
helps to look at it that way.
An Affirmation, A Statement of Commitment to
something wanted is: The CAUSE and know that by
Law, The EFFECT Must Come. And we attend to the
details as they come to the surface.
So if you are someone who has poo-pooed affirmations,
it’s only because you don’t yet have the understanding
of the power they have to change our lives.
How do you get that power of understanding?
Reading about it. Practicing it and watching it show up
in your experience.
We also need to read about it over and over from other
perspectives so that it sticks, so that we begin to believe
that ‘some words’ can change our lives.
Our subconscious, which is the part that directs our
lives, is basically blind. It does not have eyes. It only can
be directed by our taking its hand and leading it. We do
that with statements of what we want and choose. We
do that by giving it direction as if we were guiding an
unsighted person to not make a mis-step. We do that by
thinking of what we want, which is sending pictures to
our sightless buddy.
Another perspective that may be a bit of a challenge for
some of us, as it was in the beginning for me, but instead
of us wanting money, money really wants us. We are
like the beehive that simply is still and attracts flies and
bees to the honeycomb.
It’s like knowing you are loved. If you’ve ever been in
love and know that the one you are with loves you and
you have that moment where you know; and how
wonderful that feels. Or if you have children and
newborns, ‘that’ feeling of love exchanged that can only
come through the experience of it. Money chooses us in
the same way. (Technically everything chooses us in that
way, as it’s all light energy, it’s all Source, but hey we
are choosing money for the moment!)
Money wants us like puppies want us.
So if you need money, how do you ‘get there’?
Maybe give some thought to what Ebon Musk has to
say about change and expanding our lives:
‘The First Step is to Establish that something is possible,
then Probability will occur’ and he says:
‘You want to have a future where you’re expecting
things to be better, not one where you’re expecting
things to be worse.”
Expectation draws things to us.
Expect MORE of Everything, including Money.
Expect Better and More, Not Worse and Less!
Need a Plan or Strategy to get started or re-start or
expand to MORE?
I use many games that I’ve made up and you can find
them in my other posts and books, but this applies to
them all in some shape or form.
The 426 FIF 9 Day Plan (sj)
Step 1: Establish that what I choose is possible, then
Probability will occur.
Step 2. I expect things to be better. I create my
experience through expectation.
Step 3. Read my affirmations, statements, Sword of 3’s,
knowing that they are The Cause and by Law the Effect
must come. (And that’s exciting to know!)
Step 4. Visualize or Ponder on the having of it. Wear
Secrets in My Socks (Effortless Visualization)
And then attend to the details as they come to the
surface, and they will and they will be GOOD!
Best and Splendid Success and Money to One And All!
Susan James
Resources and Acknowledgments for this writing:
The Elon Musk Quotes came from: Reinvent Yourself
(James Altucher)
and The Road to Success (Henry Harrison Brown)
Now Available on Amazon
It’s Ok That Money Matters, It’s In The Light!
Susan James Socks
Socks for Readers, Writers, Dreamers
(featuring Secrets in My Socks )
Watch for MORE on 426 FIF!
Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC ARR